News & Blog

Clarity Surveys the UK Hi-Fi Industry and Welcomes its Reopening

Clarity Surveys the UK Hi-Fi Industry and Welcomes its Reopening

100% of hi-fi retailers surveyed by Clarity, the UK hi-fi industry trade association, have confirmed

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Clarity honours Ian Anderson with its 2020 Honorary Fellowship and announces the Best of Show Winners at The Bristol Show

Clarity honours Ian Anderson with its 2020 Honorary Fellowship and announces the Best of Show Winners at The Bristol Show

The Clarity Alliance honoured Ian Anderson during the eighth annual “Best of Show” awards at The

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I went shoplifting last week and no-one arrested me or even took a blind bit of notice. Not since I

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Music from a bygone era

Music from a bygone era

A while ago I wrote an article for this esteemed publication which began with the observation that

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The Clarity Hi-Fi Industry Conference 2019

The Clarity Hi-Fi Industry Conference 2019

The 2019 conference takes place on Wednesday 27th March in the fantastic surroundings of Dolby’s E

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Clarity honours John Bamford with its 2019 Honorary Fellowship and announces the Best of Show Winners at The Bristol Show

Clarity honours John Bamford with its 2019 Honorary Fellowship and announces the Best of Show Winners at The Bristol Show

The Clarity Alliance honoured the late John Bamford during the seventh annual “Best of Show” awa

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Clarity presents the annual “Best of Show” Awards at The Bristol Show, 2019

Clarity presents the annual “Best of Show” Awards at The Bristol Show, 2019

The Clarity Alliance, the UK hi-fi industry’s trade association, will be presenting the seventh an

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A Millennial Issue

A Millennial Issue

One of the best-known UK hi-fi reviewers has a unique way of scoring products on his online hi-fi ma

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It’s all about the music at the Festival of Sound

It’s all about the music at the Festival of Sound

Festival of Sound, The Music and Audio Show, comes to London this Autumn, bigger and better than eve

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